Bogisch, Rev. Hermann Paul (1845-1903)

Prepared by: 
Regina Ganter
Birth / Death: 

born 22 January 1845 Sagan (Zagan, Silesia)

died 2 June 1903 Ebenezer, age 59

Moravian missionary who spent 25 years at Ebenezer and prevented the mission from closing until his own death.



Paul Bogisch attended the Moravian college at Niesky on a part-time basis and like most Herrnhut candidates, once he was called to mission service, he was quickly processed through acceptance into the Akoluthie (2 June 1876), ordination (3 June 1877) and marriage (7 June 1877). His first wife was the Moravian Amalie Jindra (1852-1878/1888) from the Austro-Hungarian empire.


They left London on 26 June 1877 and arrived in Melbourne on 5 August 1877, and quickly proceeded to Ebenezer mission, where they arrived on 15 August 1877.1 Bogisch became assistant missionary next to Carl Kramer. The following year their first child Frieda (1878-19372) was born on the mission and Bogisch organised a 'Kinderfest' (children's party).3 Two years later Gerhard was born, and both attended the Ebenezer school until Amalie Bogisch died at age 36 (14 September 1888) and the two children were sent to the school for missionary children in Kleinwelka, Germany.


On 27 March 1890 Paul Bogisch married Sr. Henriette (Emmy) Geymüller from the Moravian community at Bethel in the Barossa Valley. Soon afterwards Rev. Kramer died and Bogisch became the superintendent at Ebenezer. At this time Aboriginal policy in Victoria turned its missions into geriatric wards awaiting their own end.


Young Frieda returned to Ebenezer and eventually married a local man in the Whitehead family.4 Paul Bogisch spent 25 years at the mission without making any ripples, and Ebenezer mission died with him in 1903.



1 Dienstlauf and Felicity Jensz, Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908: Strangers in a Strange Land. Leiden: Brill, 2010:237.

2 Jane Lydon, Fantastic Dreaming: the archaeology of an Aboriginal mission, Altamira Press, Maryland, 2009:158.

3 Paul Bogisch, 'Kinderfest in Ebenezer, 1878' 4pp, MF 170 AIATSIS.

4 Jane Lydon, Fantastic Dreaming: the archaeology of an Aboriginal mission, Altamira Press, Maryland, 2009:158.