Excerpt from Gottfried Haussmann's letter to Lang, 10 July 1855

Excerpt from Gottfried Haussmann, Letter to Lang, 10 July 1855

I never could give the natives up, I always believed that they had a precious soul as well as I, for which Lord Jesus my Saviour has spilled his precious blood and /they are/ reconciled them to God by the great stoning sacrifice on Calvary. It is the duty and privilege of the Church to proclaim the glad tidings of a Saviour to all nations under heaven. Various objections have been made concerning a Missionary cause amongst these Aborigines. It has been said, many ways have been tried with these natives to bring them to a better condition of life, but all has failed. But I ask, has ever the Gospel, that is, the whole Gospel been fully preached to them in their own language? I believe not.28